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Don't Sideflix

46% of couples that stream content together have one person watching their TV shows ahead of the other.​


This form of “cheating” can lead to hurt feelings or even worse- breakups.


To prevent more couples from falling victim to temptation, we created a campaign with a simple, yet straightforward message: Don’t Sideflix. 

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We launched with OOHs calling attention to this societal dilemma.

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Then Netflix went to the scene of the crime: their own platform.


We created a login screen that requires both partners to put in a password together to watch a show. This way, no one can watch ahead.

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We also launched social ads to bring awareness to the dangers of Sideflixing.

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To complete the campaign, we created a TikTok and radio ad featuring Sally Bingebuster, an Anti-Sideflixing advocate desperate to keep couples, friends and families together.

Sally warns about the consequences of watching ahead, and issues an admonition to partners: Don't Sideflix.

Don't Sideflix- Radio AdMarie Maloney


Copy by me

AD by Jimmy Barrett

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